BY Stephen Siciliano
Hermann Lederle believes in cultivating skills; lots of them. The word "painter" does not adequately decribe this native of Mannheim, Germany, whose work spans a number of genres. His apprenticeship was done at the San Francisco Art Institute, where he studied film, the first artistic bow in his quiver.
He painted in SoHo, at the height of its 80s glory, and when that world lost its edge, came west and found work as a production designer.

At Lederle's Blackbox Studio space in Hollywood, canvas, keyboard and printer are all within reach.He paints fish on canvas and then makes those fish swim in cyberspace. Lederle's gives an idea of how this Glocal (globally-local) multi-mediast samples himself, creating collages of commercials, short films, painting and (a)tonal compositions.
These days he's painting "pixilated" canvases. "They are representative of the extreme disorientation of decadence humanity is going through thanks to digital technology," he says. "The picture isn't fully focused, but you can see the outline." And he's working on a pilot called "Hollywood Road", a truly "unscripted" reality screed, tracking the progress of several aspiring young actors. It's about transcending the borders of different artisticmedia.
Fall Winter 2001
BY Stephen Siciliano